Afghanische Frauen brauchen Ihre Unterstützung mehr denn je
UN Women ist seit über 10 Jahren in Afghanistan aktiv und wird auch weiterhin gemeinsam mit Partner:innen vor Ort tätig sein. UN Women steht afghanischen Frauen und Mädchen mit lebensrettenden Maßnahmen zur Seite, insbesondere in dieser extrem kritischen Phase des Landes. Im Folgenden finden Sie das ofizielle Statement von UN Women zur Situation in Afghanistan:
In line with the statement by the UN Secretary-General, UN Women remains fully committed to support women and girls in Afghanistan. We will remain operational and engaged with our partners at this critical juncture for the country.
Women’s and girls’ rights in Afghanistan must have only one direction and that is forward. Afghan women and girls have played a pivotal role throughout the history of their country. It is essential that they continue to do so and that their hard-won rights are protected.
We are following the recent events with grave concern. We call on Afghanistan to secure the fundamental human rights of all, including women and girls, and to meet obligations to protect civilians and to provide humanitarians with unimpeded access to deliver timely and life-saving services and aid.
Women’s and girls’ rights must be at the core of the global response to the current crisis.