Die 66. Sitzung der UN Frauenrechtskommission (FRK) wird vom 14. bis 25. März 2022 in New York stattfinden. Auf Grund der andauernden Corona-Pandemie werden die offiziellen Regierungsveranstaltungen hybrid stattfinden (und zum Teil im UN Web TV übertragen), mit wenigen Teilnehmer:innen vor Ort. Alle Side und Parallel Events werden digital stattfinden.
Schwerpunktthema: Gleichstellung der Geschlechter und Stärkung aller Frauen und Mädchen im Kontext des Klimawandels sowie Entwicklung politischer Programme zur Umwelt- und Katastrophen-Risikominderung
Überprüfungsthema: Wirtschaftliche Stärkung von Frauen in einer sich wandelnden Arbeitswelt. (vereinbarte Schlussfolgerungen der 61. Sitzung)
NEU: Der Zero Draft für die CSW66 wurde veröffentlicht. Dieser erste Entwurf der Abschlusserklärung wird von den Mitgliedsstaaten im Vorwege und im Rahmen der FRK diskutiert.
Aktuell läuft außerdem die Überarbeitung der CSW Methods of Work, um eine breitere Einbeziehung der Zivilgesellschaft zu ermöglichen. Dazu wurde im September 2021 eine Ad-hoc-Gruppe aus Gender-Expert:innen, Akademiker:innen, ehemaligen UN-Mitarbeitenden und NGO-Vertreter:innen gegründet, die Handlungsempfehlungen für die Kommission erarbeitet haben. Weitere Informationen finden Sie hier.
Side-Events in Österreich
I./ Amplifying Women’s Stories: The Global #MediaFor1325 Award for the Implementation of the Women, Peace and Security Agenda
- Main organizer (and co-organizers if applicable): Austria, Global Network of Women Peacebuilders
- Date, start time and end time of the event (in Eastern US/Canada EST time zone): 17 March, 9 to 10:30 am NY time
- Link to the RSVP/registration form or virtual event platform, or a general email address to be published on the public calendar, for public enquiries: https://bit.ly/MediaFor1325-Global-Award
- Brief description of the event: Global #MediaFor1325 Award recognizes journalists and other media practitioners whose work contributes to the implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 1325 and the subsequent resolutions on Women, Peace and Security. The Award showcases winning media productions from different countries, highlighting the importance of women in building and sustaining peace, including in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.
- Event documents: (flyer, concept note, programme) that the side event organizer would like to be included for download on the public CSW66 side event calendar: Concept note attached
- Any links to webpages related to the event that the side event organizer would like to be included on the public CSW66 side event calendar: https://gnwp.org/global-mediafor1325/
- Topic/theme: Women, Peace and Security, Media
II./ Gender transformative climate adaptation: African women’s leadership as a driver for change
- Main organizer (and co-organizers if applicable): Austria, OECD, Global Water Partnership, CARE International
- Date, start time and end time of the event (in Eastern US/Canada EST time zone: 23 March at 9am EST (4pm in Kampala/UTC+3), will run for 75 minutes (end at 10:15 EST)
- Link to the RSVP/registration form or virtual event platform, or a general email address to be published on the public calendar, for public enquiries: https://careorg.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_VUGsCODBTReM_Sj_SvMVVw;
- Brief description of the event: Women and girls face a double injustice: climate change and gender inequality as they are disproportionately impacted by climate change, women and girls bring a unique perspective and are developing creative and effective solutions. Nevertheless, many climate adaptation policies, plans and programs are not gender responsive, let alone transformative and substantial funding is lacking. Drawing on direct experience in African contexts, this event brings together representatives from government, civil society and multi-lateral agencies to share good practices and provide concrete recommendations on how to promote women’s leadership and gender equality in the climate justice agenda.
- Links to webpages: https://careclimatechange.org/; https://genderinpractice.care.org/; https://aipwater.org/wacdep-g/; https://www.gwp.org/globalassets/documents/gwpsa/aip-wacdep-g-support-programme_singles_final_feb2021.pdf
- Topic/theme: Gender perspectives in climate change
III./ Women’s Empowerment for a Sustainable World: Towards a Gender Just Transition
- Main organizer (and co-organizers if applicable): Austria, Global Initiative for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (GI-ESCR), and Global Women’s Network for the Energy Transition (GWNET).
- Co-organizers: Interamerican Association for Environmental Defence (AIDA), Gender CC South Africa, International Women’s Rights Action Watch Asia Pacific (IWRAW-AP) and Aksi!
- Date, start time and end time of the event (in Eastern US/Canada EST time zone): Friday, 18 March at 11:00-12:30 am EST
- Link to the RSVP/registration form or virtual event platform: https://www.gi-escr.org/latest-news/womens-empowerment-for-a-sustainable-world-towards-a-gender-just-transition
- General email address for public inquires: Juliette@gi-escr.org
- Brief description of the event: The global energy transition opens a unique possibility to shift gender power imbalances and ensure women’s voices, perspectives and knowledge are harnessed to stage the future of renewable energy with a human rights and gender perspective. This event will convene a group of policymakers, experts, grassroots women, and NGOs to explore the gender dimensions of the energy transition and its implications for climate justice. It will provide a space for key stakeholders to voice concerns on how the green transition may be blindsiding gender issues and to share initiatives that have been successful in driving a gender-just energy transition.
- Event documents: Please find the updated concept note attached with the logos of the main organizers and cosponsoring organizations.
- Links to webpages related to the event: https://www.gi-escr.org/latest-news/womens-empowerment-for-a-sustainable-world-towards-a-gender-just-transition
- Topic/theme: Gender-responsive just transition
IV./ STEM Education as a stepping stone towards gender-transformative climate change policies
- Main organizer: Austria, Global Initiative for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (GI-ESCR), and Global Women’s Network for the Energy Transition (GWNET).
- Date, start time and end time of the event: 11.30 AM-1.00 PM (EDT) – 4.30-6.00 PM (CET)
- Link to the RSVP/registration form or virtual event platform: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSexwWqdbfT6lzjYokUw6F7v6F_lJfDs9wApcDIk47myRD-yfg/viewform
- Brief description of the event: The event aims to discuss ways to increase girls’ take-up in STEM fields and women’s career advancement and maintenance in STEM research fields; present tools and methods developed and applied in education systems around the world to promote STEM education and attract young people, especially girls, to these research fields and careers; present the role which gender equality policies and strategies play in creating more women-friendly academic and research working environments and careers; explore ways to increase the integration of gender considerations in emerging policy and programming on climate change mitigation and adaptation; highlight opportunities for leadership and inclusion of women in climate change and environment related decision-making processes.
Agenda + Concept CSW66 side event.pdf
V./ Climate shocks exacerbating humanitarian crisis, insecurity and gender inequality – Voices from the Sahel and Afghanistan
- Main organizer: UN WOMEN
- Date, start time and end time of the event (in Eastern US/Canada EST time zone): Mon 21 Mar 2022, 9:00 – 10:30
- Link to the RSVP/registration form or virtual event platform: https://unwomen.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_M3LDlW4VSAewpLrF3UuSfA
- Brief description of the event: This side event seeks to highlight how climate shocks and environmental hazards exacerbate humanitarian crises, security risks and gender inequality globally. It seeks to discuss the ways in which climate crisis, conflict and gender inequality are conflated and mutually reinforcing to the detriment of the advancement of the SDGs and the gains made on gender equality and empowerment of women. The event will showcase opportunities and priorities in responding to these challenges based on experiences of crisis- and conflict-affected women in the Sahel and Afghanistan.
Beteiligung der Zivilgesellschaft
Virtuelles NGO CSW66-Forum
Es wird zahlreiche spannende Events während des zivilgesellschaftlichen NGO CSW66-Forums geben, das parallel zur CSW66 stattfindet. Jede:r kann sich hier für die Teilnahme am Forum anmelden.
Die offiziellen Dokumente für die FRK sind nun auf der Seite von UN Women zu finden: Die vorläufige Agenda, verschiedene Berichte wie der vom UN Generalsekretär zum Schwerpunktthema und 147 NGO Statements.
UN Women hat vom 11. bis 14. Oktober 2021 ein virtuelles Expert*innengruppentreffen zum Schwerpunktthema einberufen. Sie finden die Background Papers (2), Expert Papers (21) und Observer Papers (6) hier. So auch „Measuring the nexus between gender equality and women’s empowerment and the environment, including climate change and disaster risk reduction“ von UN Women.
Außerdem findet jeden Mittwoch von 18-20 Uhr im Vorfeld des NGO CSW66 Forums ein Event der YLYPs Youth Preparation Series for NGO CSW66 statt. Das Ziel der Veranstaltungsreihe ist es, Jugendaktivist:innen und junge Menschen auf die CSW66 vorzubereiten. Die Events beschäftigen sich mit den Schwerpunktthemen, beruflichen Weiterbildungsseminaren und Netzwerkveranstaltungen. Mehr Informationen und eine Eventübersicht finden Sie hier.
Zusätzliche Informationen
Hier finden Sie den Arbeitsplan (Übersicht) der Generation Equality Forum Action Coalition zu „Feministisches Handeln für Klimagerechtigkeit“.
Zusätzlich finden Sie das global advocacy toolkit „Young feminists want system change„ von WECF.
Außerdem finden Sie hier noch eine interaktive Übersicht der Auswirkungen des Klimawandels auf die verschiedenen Geschlechter.
Die Empfehlungen des CEDAW Komitees bzgl. der Gender Dimensions of Disaster Risk Reduction & Climate Change von 2018, können Sie hier einsehen. Mehr zu CEDAW finden Sie hier.
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