Aktuelle Termine

Voices of Hope: Realities of Afghan Women

Datum: 25. Mai 2022
Uhrzeit: 17:00 - 19:00
Ort: Zoom Conference
Voices of Hope – Afghanistan

Voices of Hope: Realities of Afghan Women – Online Roundtable

The online roundtable, jointly organized by the BKMC and its Afghan Fellows, seeks to raise awareness about the situation of Afghan women on the ground and spotlight local women’s activism as well as the international Afghan diaspora and their efforts in fighting for sustainable peace.

Confirmed speakers are:

• Hooria Sardar, Former Director General of Women’s Economic Empowerment and Child Care at the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs in Afghanistan (MoLSA), Gender and Women Studies Expert, Women’s Rights Activist and BKMC Global Citizen Fellow
• Marufa Shinware, Gender Studies and Feminist Researcher at McMaster University of Canada, Executive Director of the Immigrant Culture and Art Association (ICAA) and former Law Professor at Kabul University
• Dr. Zahra Muhammadi, Dentist and Leader of the Afghan Women’s Unity and Solidarity Group

We are looking forward to your attendance and participation at the discussion.

Round Table: Protecting women and girls in Afghanistan

Datum: 5. Mai 2022
Uhrzeit: 12:30 - 13:30
Ort: Zoom Video Conference
RT Afghanistan

Since the Taliban took over control in Afghanistan, the life of women and girls has dramatically changed.
Afghan women and girls have been denied their fundamental rights to free movement, public space, education, jobs, political and social participation, and safety. They can not go outside without a male chaperon, access secondary education, work in spaces shared with men, apply to public jobs, protest safely or wear what they want.
In this unprecedented context, UN Women is committed to staying in Afghanistan and supporting all Afghan women and girls.


Join us on Thursday 5 May at 12.30 pm Vienna time to discuss with UN Women’s Representative in Afghanistan how the international community can protect the rights of all Afghan women and girls.

Please register here.

After registration, you will receive the link to the virtual round table by email. This allows you to join the Zoom video conference at the time of the meeting using a browser or a free app.


As always, we ask for a donation for UN Women’s support in Afghanistan.

Find the newest report on women´s rights in Afghanistan on our website.


We look forward to your participation!



2020_Mozambique Cyclone Idai One Year On
. Seeds distribution Background: Mozambique is highly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change and extreme weather events such as drought, floods and cyclones. Climate change has a significant impact on livelihoods and food security, particularly among women and children. According to the Government of Mozambique, 1.6 million people currently do not have enough food to eat and are in need of food aid. This number is likely to rise to 1.9 million in the coming months. As part of its response to the weather extremes here in Mozambique, CARE is distributing drought-resistant seeds, which include sorghum, cowpea, ground nuts, pineapple seedlings, maize and millet, to more than 47,000 small scale farmers. CARE is also providing basic training in improved agricultural practices to help communities combat the effects of climate change going forward CARE’s cyclone response: Background: In March 2019, cyclone Idai slammed into Mozambique, Malawi and Zimbabwe with speeds of more than 200 kilometers per hour, causing severe damage. One month after Idai, a second storm hit northern Mozambique while the country was still recovering from cyclone Idai. More than 600 people died and 1,600 were injured during the unprecedented disasters of Cyclones Idai and Kenneth. Furthermore, hundreds of thousands of people have been displaced, crops have been destroyed and livelihoods lost as a result of these storms. It is the first time in recorded history that two strong tropical cyclones have hit the country during the same season. An estimated 750,000 people still require immediate assistance. The impact of the cyclones goes well beyond food insecurity, negatively affecting nutrition, health, education, water and sanitation. Cyclone Idai destroyed more than 700,000 hectares of crops including maize, ground nut, cassava, beans and rice. All of the fields have been indurated. Experts estimate that the agricultural loss in Mozambique is at least USD 141 million high. More than 73,000 people are living in temporary shelters, most of them are schools and community buildings. Over 3,000 classrooms have been destroyed, over 330,000 students have been affected. What CARE is doing: CARE has assisted more than 300.000 people affected by the crisis with food assistance, access to water and education, shelter and drought-resistant seeds. This also includes the provision of hygiene items including emergency household items such as tarpaulins, blankets, mosquito nets, sleeping mats, bathing soap, and jerry cans. In the aftermath of the Cyclone, CARE built 360 temporary learning spaces, ensuring lessons continue for some 28.800 students. Additionally, CARE is repairing two severely damaged health centers and 130 classrooms. New classrooms and health centers are being built with resilient materials, ensuring they are better able to withstand future events. Photo by Josh Estey/CARE

II./ Gender transformative climate adaptation: African women’s leadership as a driver for change

  • Main organizer (and co-organizers if applicable): Austria, OECD, Global Water Partnership, CARE International
  • Date, start time and end time of the event (in Eastern US/Canada EST time zone: 23 March at 9am EST (4pm in Kampala/UTC+3), will run for 75 minutes (end at 10:15 EST)
  • Link to the RSVP/registration form or virtual event platform, or a general email address to be published on the public calendar, for public enquiries: https://careorg.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_VUGsCODBTReM_Sj_SvMVVw;
  • Brief description of the event: Women and girls face a double injustice: climate change and gender inequality as they are disproportionately impacted by climate change, women and girls bring a unique perspective and are developing creative and effective solutions. Nevertheless, many climate adaptation policies, plans and programs are not gender responsive, let alone transformative and substantial funding is lacking. Drawing on direct experience in African contexts, this event brings together representatives from government, civil society and multi-lateral agencies to share good practices and provide concrete recommendations on how to promote women’s leadership and gender equality in the climate justice agenda.
  • Links to webpages: https://careclimatechange.org/; https://genderinpractice.care.org/; https://aipwater.org/wacdep-g/; https://www.gwp.org/globalassets/documents/gwpsa/aip-wacdep-g-support-programme_singles_final_feb2021.pdf
  • Topic/theme: Gender perspectives in climate change
Event Globale Verantwortung

An online event by Global Responsibility, the Austrian Platform for development and humanitarian aid, with support by the Austrian Red Cross, CARE, Light for the World, and WIDE


Register here!


Worldwide women and girls were severely hit by the negative effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, the lockdowns and the socio-economic impact in their regions. Particularly in countries of the so-called Global South, the pandemic has disproportionately pushed women out of employment, decreased their livelihoods and income generation for their families. This has led to rising levels of poverty, hunger and social inequalities. Gender based domestic violence has increased. Women and girls have also taken on the brunt of additional unpaid care work at home. Barriers to access adequate maternal healthcare have led to worse health outcomes for women, e.g. high-risk pregnancies and complications at birth. Due to carework obligations, girls were more often taken out of school than boys and also the risk of (forced) child marriage has increased. Children are falling behind in education due to a long period of closed schools and childcare facilities during lockdowns or due to lack of access to online lessons and materials.

These social and economic effects on women and girls have caused a heavy backlash against women`s rights and gender equality. Moreover, the UN warns that the world is not on track to achieve the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals and in some cases, decades of progress have been reversed. At the same time, governments in the Global South have fewer options to tackle the social and economic challenges and encounter limited financial resources to address the impact of the pandemic and facilitate inclusive and sustainable recovery.


About the event

Join Global Responsibility and its partners for a conversation with discussants from the Global South perspective about the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on women and girls and resulting policy implications. Women representing civil society organisations from African and Eastern European countries will share their experiences and an analysis of the social and economic effects of the pandemic on women’s empowerment and gender equality. Based on these real-life accounts of women, various stakeholders working in development cooperation and policy will discuss how Austrian international development actors can support recovery and sustainable and inclusive development in these regions.


Guiding questions for the online event

What social and economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic are women and girls experiencing in the Global South and what are the reasons for women being more effected than men by the consequences of the pandemic? What differences can be found amongst countries, regions and groups of society, specifically focusing on ways how to decrease vulnerability and increase resilience? What programmes were developed and what kind of measures were implemented by civil society organisations? What options do governments in the Global South have to counteract the socio-economic crises? How can government actors, both national and international, incl. development agencies, identify policy options to better support women and girls and foster women’s rights? How can Austrian development policy support conditions for an inclusive recovery and sustainable development as well as higher resilience of vulnerable groups in crises?


These are some of the questions that discussants from the Global South, Austrian development cooperation and academia will discuss in two separate panels. The online event will include opening remarks by the director of Global Responsibility, which will be followed by a key-note speaker representing a civil society women’s network.

Programme (to be updated continuously here)

  • Opening remarks: Annelies Vilim, Director, Global Responsibility
  • Keynote speech: Âurea Mouzinho, Co-founder and co-coordinator, Ondjango Feminista, Angola
  • First panel discussion – Perspectives from the Global South:
    Ina Girard, Project manager, Austrian Red Cross, Georgia
    Jenipher Taaka, Expert on gender and gender based violence, Uganda
    lauda Manala, Communication manager, Light for the World, Mozambique
    Clarisse Konombo, Project manager, Caritas (OCADES), Burkina Faso
  • Second panel discussion – Policy options: Representatives of Austrian development cooperation and academia


Moderation: The event will be moderated by Rita Isiba, Anthropean Partners

Language: English and French with simultaneous interpretation

Registration: Please register via this link. Registered participants will receive a Zoom link for entering the event which is supported by SpaceWatch.Global.

The event will be recorded for the purpose of documentation. By participating in the event, you agree to the publication of photos and video clips made during the event.


The event is supported by the Austrian Development Cooperation.


A link to the video recording of the event will be available in a report about the event on this website.

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Mitglieder- und Friends-Veranstaltung: Direktorinnen-Führung bei der Ausstellung „Heimat großer T*chter“

Datum: 11. März 2022
Uhrzeit: 16:30 - 18:00
Ort: Haus der Geschichte Österreich, Neue Burg, Heldenplatz, 1010 Wien
heimat großer töchter

Werden Sie jetzt Mitglied oder Friend – und kommen Sie zu einer exklusiven Direktorinnen-Führung ins Haus der Geschichte Österreich!


Als Dankeschön für Ihr Engagement möchten wir Sie dieses Jahr rund um den Internationalen Frauentag zu einer Mitglieder- und Friends-Veranstaltung einladen: eine exklusive Direktorinnen-Führung im Haus der Geschichte Österreich. Wir laden Sie herzlich ein, gemeinsam mit uns die Ausstellung „Heimat großer T*chter“ zu besuchen und zusammen der Frage zu widmen: Wie haben sich Geschlechterverhältnisse in der Zeitgeschichte verändert?

Anmeldung zur Veranstaltung bis Donnerstag, 10.03.2021 an info@unwomen.at
Eintrittskarte in das Haus der Geschichte ist selbst zu erwerben.


Sie sind noch kein Mitglied oder Friend? Möchten auch Sie aktiver werden und einen regelmäßigen Beitrag für die Arbeit von UN Women Austria leisten, finden Sie alle Informationen dazu unter folgenden Links: Mitglied werden oder Friend werden. Sie können sich entscheiden!


Foto: Lorenz Paulus hdgö


The United Nations Observance of International Women’s Day will be held virtually this year. The event will gather powerful voices of UN senior officials, activists, government representatives and experts from around the globe to discuss women and girls’ contributions to Gender Equality Today for a Sustainable Tomorrow.

The event will be webcast live on YouTube and UN Web TV.

Speakers will include:

  • António Guterres, Secretary-General of the United Nations
  • Abdulla Shahid, President of the 76th General Assembly of the United Nations
  • Amina Mohammed, Deputy Secretary-General of the United Nations
  • Mathu Joyini, Chair of the 66th Session of the Commission of the Status of Women
  • Sima Bahous, Executive Director of UN Women
  • Jane Goodall, Founder of Jane Goodall Institute and UN Messenger of Peace


A high-level panel will feature:

  • Aminath Shauna, Minister of Environment, Climate Change and Technology, Republic of Maldives
  • Hindou Oumarou Ibrahim, President, Association for Indigenous Women and Peoples of Chad
  • Dr. Katharine Wilkinson, Author and Environmentalist; Leader of The All We Can Save Project
  • Maria Reyes, Climate justice activist, Fridays for Future Most Affected Peoples and Areas (MAPA) and leading member of the Feminist Action for Climate Justice Action Coalition

The event will include musical performances by Angelica Hale and Broadway Singers.
More information about the International Women´s Day 2022 can be found here.


INA REGEN – Konzert zum Internationalen Frauentag 2022

Datum: 8. März 2022
Uhrzeit: 0:00 - 0:00
Ort: Wiener Konzerthaus

INA REGEN lädt am internationalen Frauentag 2022 zu einem Abend ins Wiener Konzerthaus!
Unter dem Motto „SIE – UNGEWÖHNLICH SELBSTVERSTÄNDLICH“ findet am 08.03.2022 bereits zum zweiten Mal eine einzigartige Show im Wiener Konzerthaus statt!

Der Reinerlös der Veranstaltung wird auch 2022 wieder an caritative Projekte gehen.
UN Women Austria freut sich Teil davon zu sein und mit dem Spendenerlös gezielt Frauen in Afghanistan zu unterstützen.

Ziel des Charity-Abends ist die Unterstützung ausgewählter Projekte, die Mädchen und junge Frauen ermutigen und fördern, ihren eigenen Weg zu gehen und sich nicht von überalterten Rollenbildern bremsen zu lassen. Dafür braucht es nicht zuletzt Vorbilder, an denen deutlich wird, wie ein solcher Weg möglicherweise aussehen kann.

Weitere Informationen
INA REGEN: https://www.inaregen.at

Charity Lesung mit Ursula Strauss zugunsten der Ukraine

Datum: 5. März 2022
Uhrzeit: 14:00 - 15:00
Ort: Never at Home, Schellinggasse 13, 1010 Wien
Charity Lesung
UN Women Austria & Ursula Strauss laden zur Charity Lesung zugunsten der Ukraine.

Die Lage in der Ukraine ist besorgniserregend und spitzt sich insbesondere für Frauen und Mädchen zunehemnd zu. UN Women ist entschlossen, die Menschen in der Ukraine und auf der Flucht in dieser Zeit der größten Not zu unterstützen.

Ursula Strauss, die eine langjährige Unterstützerin von Frauenrechten und den Initiativen von UN Women Austria ist, lädt gemeinsam mit UN Women Austria zu einer Charity Lesung. Für die Teilnahme bitten wir um Spenden, die zur Gänze der Nothilfe der Ukraine zugute kommen.

Die Lesung findet in Kooperation mit Never at Home statt, welche uns die Räumlichkeiten zur Verfügung stellen.



Liebe UN Women-Friends!

Anlässlich der von 14. bis 25. März stattfindenden 66. Tagung der Frauenstatuskommission der Vereinten Nationen (Commission on the Status of Women – CSW) möchten wir Sie herzlich zu unserem digitalen Round Table zum Thema „66th Commission on the Status of Women: Gleichstellung im Kontext von Klimawandel und Umweltkatastrophen“ am Dienstag, 1. März 2022, um 18:30 Uhr einladen!

Die seit 1946 jährlich tagende Kommission hat die Aufgabe Geschlechtergleichstellung voranzubringen und die Rechte von Mädchen und Frauen zu stärken. Im Rahmen der CSW versammeln sich Vertreter:innen von Mitgliedsstaaten und andere Stakeholder wie VN-Organisationen und Nichtregierungsorganisationen, um die Fortschritte im Bereich der Geschlechtergleichstellung zu evaluieren, Standards zu definieren und politische Empfehlungen zu erarbeiten. Das diesjährige Schwerpunktthema ist die Verwirklichung der Gleichstellung der Geschlechter und Stärkung aller Frauen und Mädchen im Kontext des Klimawandels, sowie die Entwicklung politischer Programme zur Reduktion von Umwelt- und Katastrophenrisiken. Gesandte Mag.ª Larissa Lassmann (Leiterin des Referats I.7.b – Internationale Frauenfragen und andere menschenrechtliche Querschnittsfragen, BMEIA) und DIin Marie-Christine Hopfgartner (Abteilung VI/1 – Allgemeine Klimapolitik, BMK) beleuchten wichtige Prozesse und Inhalte der 66. CSW sowie die Rolle Österreichs als Mitglied der VN-Frauenstatuskommission von 2021 bis 2025.

Der virtuelle Round Table findet am Dienstag, 1. März 2022 um 18:30 Uhr als Zoom Videokonferenz statt.

Bitte melden Sie sich unter folgendem Link zum virtuellen Round Table an: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwucuCpqDIuHtyCJbQsv0hL78j1Xzi5LHBh

Nach der Registrierung erhalten Sie den Link zur Zoom Videokonferenz per Mail zugeschickt.

Wir arbeiten alle ehrenamtlich – aber um unsere Aufgaben erfüllen zu können ersuchen wir Sie die  wichtigen Programme von UN Women mit einer Spende zu unterstützen!

Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Teilnahme!

UN Women Austria